Our strategist has been quoted on CNBC, Investors Business Daily, Reuters, Yahoo News, MSN News and other news sources across the world.

What you can expect...

The 401k Newsletter arrives in your inbox once per month, the first weekend just after month end. It provides updates about the current investing environment, any portfolio adjustments signaled by the "Index Rotation Strategy"  and information we curate about personal finance.  

We regularly document the average Americans' balance in their 401k, recent consumer spending habits, the nation's wage growth, average income etc.  By doing so, we feel it boosts our motivation to better our lives and our financial situations. 

Ultimately this is all an effort to provide the much needed reality check for a "kick in the pants" to keep striving towards our retirement goals and dreams.

No matter who we are  - we can all use this extra motivation when our dreams seem distant.

Additionally, we share ideas and thoughts concerning personal finance to help answer questions like "is now a good time to refinance a mortgage?"  Or, "is not the time to buy a house or should I still rent?"  

I share money saving ideas, many of these ideas are shared with me and I want to pass them on so we can all lower our monthly expenses.

 data about our saving money, life hacks and topical information to help us all realize the current state of the american consumer, times to morgage rates buy cars or other money saving ideas.

For example, readers can expect to learn whether the methodology indicates the current market environment favors a fully invested portfolio, warrants a higher allocation to cash, bonds or a mix of large capitalization stocks and/or international investments.  

The mid month update shares thoughts, ideas and strategies to help us better our financial future and help measure our progress. 

There is a saying "if you don't measure progress you can't improve".  Therefore, we gather and share data regarding the general populations peers.  For example, we regularly document the average balance in our peer's 401k accounts, the most recent consumer spending habits, the nation's wage growth, average income etc. on a regular basis. By doing so, we feel it boosts our motivation to better our lives and our financial situations.  Ultimately this is all an effort to provide the much needed reality check for a "kick in the pants" to keep striving towards our retirement goals and dreams.

We keep it simple and succinct, the way investing should be.  No need for complicated jargon.

What do you want out of retirement?  Are you on track to meet that dream? If you cannot definitively answer yes, then we suggest you take a trial.

How The Strategy Works...

The strategy focuses on an “index rotation strategy”.  ​Without sounding too complicated, we blend indexing and one of the most profitable investing strategies together with the intention to maximize performance and minimize portfolio losses which, when executed properly, is the secret to successful investing.

We've been involved in the financial industry over two decades and we have yet to find an investing method that has outperformed our index rotation strategy.  

Our mission, empower investors with information and analysis to help them make better investment and financial decisions.

The 401k  Newsletter was founded in 2015 to share knowledge and help investors make the best investment choices in their 401k and traditional investment accounts. We keep it simple and make it easy so you no longer need to take uneducated risks or hope for blind luck with with your investments.

​"Quick and to the point... we help people maximize the potential returns in their 401k or investment accounts.

I started this site to help family and friends make better decisions with their retirement funds, namely their 401k portfolios, IRAs and traditional brokerage accounts.  Why?  Because a 401k, when used properly, was designed to become an individuals largest asset, an asset that is supposed to provide the income necessary for our retirement years.  Unfortunately, according to recent data, the 401k is failing to meet Americans' retirement needs and will likely do so unless investors become better educated and make more informed investment decisions. 

For further information take a look at our summary of the backtest results...

​Take a look at the results from our backtest and determine for yourself if following our methodology suits your needs.  If it does, request to be added to our weekly update so you can start making a difference for your retirement possibilities.

Why the strategy works...

​Properly allocating the investments in a 401k is one of the most important steps towards maximizing growth and minimizing risk, but unfortunately, it's also the most overlooked and easily forgotten undertakings. When executed properly, and research will confirm, over time potential portfolio returns have been shown to easily outpace traditional indexing and outperform many of the top performing professional money managers.

Our allocation methodology is designed to dynamically  adapt toALL market conditions including bull AND bear markets all the while taking the guess work out of the decision making process.  It seeks to allocate investments to cash and lower risk securities when the strategy signals opportunity is lessened and then reallocates capital to the asset it indicates as having the best potential future growth.  Basically, it has all the ingredients of a top performing strategy. 

If you deem our investment allocation strategy is suitable for you, subscribe and you will get the opportunity to follow and apply one of the most profitable investing methodologies, a methodology that performed better than approximately 85% of institutional money managers in your own investment accounts.  We provide the education and tools in a simple and easy to understand format. 

So, how do we accomplish this?
We monitor and share, one of the most profitable investment strategies known to academia and explain how individuals such as yourself can implement the strategy with the investment choices available in your 401k.

Basically, we make following one of the top rated investment strategies simple by doing the heavy lifting so you don't have to.

Why do we think you can benefit?  

Simple, our head strategist, an ex-wall street professional with over two decades of professional investing and trading experience developed the 401k Newsletter's"index rotation strategy". We backtested his strategy and the results were impressive.

The backtest shows, if an investor were to follow the strategy January  ten years ago, the investor's account would have grown by approximately 280%, turning a $100,000 into about  $380,000.  If the strategy continues to perform as well as it did in the past we can all benefit.  For reference, the general market only returned about 105%, which is not a poor return, but we prefer our money to work harder for us.

The decade long backtest indicates our  "index rotation strategy" would have outperformed about 85% of professional money managers. So we assume, as any prudent person would, that you’d like to put statistics in your favor and have the potential to outperform 85% of professional money managers.  Basically beating the "best of the best" at investing.